Tag: DCR
🚫 Mutton Hunk Fen NAP CLOSED
Mutton Hunk Fen NAP will be closed from Monday, October 21 through Friday October 25th for invasive removals.
🚫 Mutton Hunk Fen NAP CLOSED
Mutton Hunk Fen NAP will be CLOSED Monday through Thursday September 23rd to the 26th. Our invasive species treatment contractor will be on site working. The work window has been […]
🧤Volunteer: Plant Eastern Shore Natives Ed & Outreach Info Session
In an effort to reinvigorate the Plant Eastern Shore Natives initiative, we have scheduled three meetings in July for interested members of the public to attend. Registration is encouraged. These […]
🧤 Volunteer: Plant Eastern Shore Natives Ed & Outreach Info Session
In an effort to reinvigorate the Plant Eastern Shore Natives initiative, we have scheduled three meetings in July for interested members of the public to attend. Registration is encouraged. These […]
🧤 Volunteer: Plant Eastern Shore Natives Ed & Outreach Info Session
In an effort to reinvigorate the Plant Eastern Shore Natives initiative, we have scheduled three meetings in July for interested members of the public to attend. Registration is encouraged. These […]
Managing Invasive Species at Mutton Hunk Fen NAP
With funds from the Virginia Department of Forestry and support from DCR procurement staff, the Coastal Region was able to establish a contract with a qualified company to conduct invasive species management […]
Magothy Bay NAP Annual Trail Maintenance Day
Each spring, ESMN volunteers from the Eastern Shore Chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalists work alongside DCR Natural Heritage Stewardship staff to trim back vegetation encroaching on the trail through […]
⚠️ NOTICE: Mutton Hunk Fen Natural Area Preserve is CLOSED TODAY
MHFNAP is closed today for invasive species management activities.
ESMNs Training to be Flora of Virginia Ambassadors
The Flora of Virginia (FOV) and the Flora App, developed based on research by the Virginia Division of Natural Heritage and the Virginia Botanical Associates, are the definitive botanical catalogs […]
ESMN Education and Outreach Committee Supports Earth and Arbor Day Events
The Eastern Shore Master Naturalist’s Education and Outreach Team has been out and about during the month of April. They set up tables at the Exmore: Return to Our Roots festival and the ANEC’s […]