Category: Plant ES Natives
ESMN at the Exmore Fall Festival
ESMN would like to thank Mimi Stitt, Laurie Jones, Audrey Shirif, Tiara Tracy, Nancy Biegel, Karen Morris, Suzanne Noseworthy, Debbie Pocock, Maggie Long, Wayne Poist and Brenda Poist for spending […]
Plant Eastern Shore Natives
In an effort to reinvigorate the Plant Eastern Shore Natives initiative, we have scheduled three meetings in July for interested members of the public to attend. Registration is encouraged. These […]
Laurels for Martina Coker
In 2019, Eastern Shore Master Naturalist Martina Coker joined with a small group to establish the Edward S. Brinkley Nature Preserve, on land once slated to become a golf course. […]
ESMNs Training to be Flora of Virginia Ambassadors
The Flora of Virginia (FOV) and the Flora App, developed based on research by the Virginia Division of Natural Heritage and the Virginia Botanical Associates, are the definitive botanical catalogs […]
ESMN Education and Outreach Committee Supports Earth and Arbor Day Events
The Eastern Shore Master Naturalist’s Education and Outreach Team has been out and about during the month of April. They set up tables at the Exmore: Return to Our Roots festival and the ANEC’s […]
Planting Natives at Cape Charles Natural Area Preserve
On Wednesday, April 10th, eight ESMN volunteers and four DCR Coastal Region stewardship staff planted an assortment of 163 native forbs, ferns, and shrubs and 48 plugs of American Beachgrass […]
Planting Beachgrass at Savage Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve
With 24 flats of American Beachgrass (Calamagrostis breviligulata) to plant we formed a circle as our leader Eastern Shore Master Naturalist Chapter Advisor and Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Coastal Region Steward and Regional Supervisor, Shannon Alexander, had us briefly introduce ourselves and […]